THE GESTATIONAL SURROGACY PROCESS: Lessons Meryl learned as an attorney are featured on the LGBT Family Law Institute blog


Building Trust for a Successful Surrogacy

The LGBT Law Institute blog features Meryl B. Rosenberg’s article about the importance of building trust for a successful surrogacy outcome. Trust between the gestational surrogate, the surrogacy program, and the intended parents is paramount. Meryl reminds us that remembering the reason for the partnership — to have a baby — is critical for a positive experience. Read her complete article Navigating the Gestational Surrogacy Process: Lessons Learned as an Attorney and Surrogacy Program Owner on the LGBT Bar website.

 Looking into gestational surrogacy to have a child of your own, visit our page, How it Works: Our Complete Surrogacy Program, to find how ARTparenting can help you.